Monday, April 19, 2010

I'm Excited!

This afternoon I watched a performance from Smile Theater called Raging Grannies. It was entertaining and quite a delightful way to spend the afternoon. As it happens, there was a group of the Raging Grannies there in the audience and I was sitting next to them at tea. They are a local group and I was invited to join. How cool is that?!?!?!!!! Information on them can be found at I feel like I am going back to my teen years when I protested California Grapes and Vietnam! ;-) Now all I need are "Grannie" clothes.

It turns out that the afternoon became a double whammy. There was a Red Hat Group there as well. This group was from out of town but took my name and number and low and behold I received a voice mail from the Queen Mother of a local group. It looks like any day now I will become a Strawberry Tart! I just have to confirm at a better hour to make phone calls. Time to dust off my Red Hat clothes!

This is turning into a fabulous week! I hope yours has started as well as mine has! Blue Monday indeed!

1 comment:

  1. The Grannies are great -- all over the world! If you're interested in their work, take a look at our new documentary -- "Raging Grannies: The Action League," about a Raging Grannies gaggle on the SF Bay Area Peninsula. These women do not go quietly into old age! They inspire us with their dedication to social justice. Winner 2009 National Mature Media Merit Award. AVAILABLE THE WEEK OF MAY 1 -- for both institutional and home use. You can find out more and watch a preview clip at
