Monday, April 19, 2010

Food Update

It has been a while since I have updated this blog. I was away for the weekend and that resulted in limited computer time. It was an interesting weekend though and I saw some family and did some shopping at a couple of my favourite spots.

On Friday I had some apple slices with almond butter before heading to the gym. At the gym, I did my lower body exercises, some core exercises and 35 minutes of cardio. On return from the gym I ate some grapes and pecans. Then I packed and headed to Brockville for a visit. When I arrived I had a salad with chicken strips for dinner.

Saturday saw us head to Hall's Apple Orchards. They have a gift shop and Christmas shop in addition to their orchard fare. I picked up a birthday gift and headed out to Merrickville. We visited the health food store and an accessory store where I became the proud owner of some on sale purses. Then my favourite of all Mrs. McGarrigle's Fine Mustard...Fine Food. It has to the best place on earth. Well at least in my vicinity that day! I stocked up on some oils and sauces. I visited the upstairs room for the first time and they had a tagine. I've been wanting one and this one was so priced right that it came home with me! I can't wait until I can use it. I will be searching this week for a recipe (or one that I can modify) that fits in with my diet. Food wise I had grapes for breakfast with a glass of grape juice and then went out for dinner with my cousin who was celebrating a birthday. The restaurant was very cooperative in meeting my dietary needs. I had a tossed salad with a raspberry vinaigrette to start followed by grilled salmon with fresh squeezed lemon and a double order of veggies, that night being green and yellow beans. It was all washed down with water.

On Sunday after the usual grape breakfast, I went for a short visit with my brother before heading to Zellers for 3 hours to visit with my youngest granddaughter. For lunch I had sweet potato fries (which was about the only option available) and a bottle of water. Then we headed for home. We ate dinner out where I had a roasted chicken breast with broccoli and carrots.

I missed out on going to the gym on the weekend so was glad to get back there today. Today was pretty much a repeat of Friday for the gym as I forgot my workout sheet and I can remember the lower body stuff better than the upper. As I wasn't here on the weekend and hadn't gotten groceries yet, I skipped breakfast. I almost forgot I had tickets to a matinée live show and hurried to get there. As I hadn't eaten and they served a Cream Tea, my resistance floundered and the diet went by the wayside as I enjoyed a scone with jam and cream and a brownie. I went back to the diet for a dinner of a tossed salad and a late night snack that I am now enjoying of sliced apples and grapes.

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