Sunday, April 11, 2010

G-ma Was A Smokin'!

What a day. I got to sleep in until 9:30 without any interruptions.. well hardly any. That is almost unheard of around here. After my morning blog post, I headed out to the gym for my cardio workout. Weekends are rest days for the strength portion of my workout. Thirty minutes plus five minutes of cool down and I was on my way out of there! This picture of my torture gym, is not a very good one, but as we are not allowed to bring in cameras, it will have to do. This is where I spend almost twelve hours a week!

I came home and had a plate of sliced pears and apples for brunch. Then I rewarded myself with a shopping trip for a new wallet that fits my small purse better. Was happy with the find and came home and started to plan dinner.

I turned on the smoker and prepared the chicken breasts with Traegers Chicken Rub.

It is a little salty to me, but as I rarely use salt I probably find it more noticeable. It worked out okay as I didn't salt my fries or raw veggies.

Ready for the Smoker!

All finished!

Served up a Quarter Chicken Breast with Baked Sweet Potato Fries, and Sugar Snap Peas and Fresh Baby Carrots and a few crudités! Here it is plated.

If I work at it, this diet isn't so bad! It was all washed down with water. I am getting a bit tired of water. I would really like to have some of that diet decaffeinated coke that is in the refrigerator waiting for this diet to be done. Or perhaps even an Iced Coffee that I like so much from Tim Horton's. Only seventeen days to go!

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